Prompting Tips & Tricks

The prompt entry box is situated prominently at the screen's summit. This is where you articulate your creative intent, either through a list of elements or full sentences; AI interprets both effectively. Clarity is essential: the clearer your instructions, the more precisely the AI can match your vision with high adherence, intricate detail, and exceptional quality.

Initiate with the Central Element

Anchor your prompt by pinpointing the primary element. For instance, if a cat is your focus, start there. This provides the AI with a clear focal point.

Enrich the Detailing of Your Subject

Augment your central element with detailed descriptors, such as appearance, settings, or activities. Descriptive phrases like "a slumbering feline nestled in a cardboard haven" lend depth to the AI's generative process.

Crafting Superior Prompts

Bear in mind, words positioned at the prompt's forefront typically exert greater influence than those at the end.

Examining Examples

Let's construct a scene of a knight in swift motion against a tempestuous backdrop. If the turbulent weather should eclipse the knight in prominence, consider starting with the storm.

Here's an optimal prompt sequence

“Amidst a fierce tempest with vehement downpours, a knight urges his steed forward along the somber shoreline.”

Leonardo AI Prompting Tips & Tricks

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A tempest rages in the night sky, rain thrashing down as a knight races his horse across a shadowed beach.

Leonardo AI Prompting Tips & Tricks

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Storm-lashed rains curtain a backdrop where a knight urges his horse along a dusky beach under the cloak of night.

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The comparison of the three images showcases distinct focal points due to the varied emphasis of the prompts:

  • In the initial image, the tempest is the centerpiece, with dramatic lightning bolts and an expansive view that diminishes the knight to a minor figure amidst the vast storm-swept scene.
  • The second image foregrounds the knight, granting him the spotlight with more precise detailing, while the storm is suggested more subtly through hues and atmospheric tones rather than depicted turbulence.
  • The third image strikes a balance, albeit with a somewhat more static, art-like quality. It renders both the storm and the knight with moderate emphasis, though it sacrifices the intensity of the horse’s motion and the storm's ferocity seen in the other depictions. It's a composition that lacks the visceral impact of the others but captures elements of both key subjects.

To optimize the creative process, begin with brevity in your prompts. Lengthy descriptions can dilute the model's comprehension. Start with a concise phrase or a few keywords and then expand incrementally to refine and enhance the depiction, ensuring the final image aligns more closely with your vision.

How do I get more detail?

The principle is straightforward: the more specific your prompt, the more detailed your result. A general prompt like "Man sitting on a chair playing violin" gives the model ample creative leeway, leading to a diverse array of possible outcomes. You can anticipate a range of interpretations based on this open-ended input.

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Enhancing your prompt with more detailed descriptors provides the model with a richer context to work with. For instance, specifying "Old man sitting on a wooden chair playing a violin by the mountains at sunset" would yield an image that closely adheres to the prompt with clear, defined elements.

Leonardo AI Prompting Tips & Tricks

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Negative Prompts

Utilize this feature to filter out undesired elements from your image creations, like nudity or additional appendages. Simply list the specifics you wish to exclude in your prompt, and the model will minimize the likelihood of their appearance in the final image.

I am still getting elements I don’t want

Should you encounter persistent issues with unwanted details in your images, despite using negative prompts, consider switching to a different model or adjusting the aspect ratio. For users of Alchemy, tweaking the style settings may also yield better results. If these steps don’t resolve the problem, the Canvas feature offers manual editing to eliminate undesired elements. Look out for our upcoming guide for detailed instructions on using Canvas.

Can I create style through reference to popular concepts?

Users have the creative freedom to craft images influenced by renowned artists, iconic works, or even specific film and game aesthetics. For instance, you can direct the AI to replicate the brushwork of Van Gogh or the whimsical touch of a Studio Ghibli film. Take, for example, an image crafted "in the style of a Studio Ghibli hot-air balloon race," which would draw inspiration from the distinctive style of the beloved animation studio. When it comes to invoking such styles in image generation, trial and error is your best guide to discovering what works best.

Leonardo AI Prompting Tips & Tricks

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More Tips and Tricks

Incorporate format modifiers: Clearly indicate the desired medium for your artwork within the prompt. Whether you're envisioning a photograph, digital illustration, 3D rendering, or a tilt-shift perspective, make sure to specify this in your instructions. For instance, "a digital painting of a cat lounging on a park bench" or "a 3D render of a cat seated on a bench."

Prioritize key elements with Prompt Magic v2: When using Prompt Magic v2, position the most important aspect of your image at the beginning of the prompt to signify its importance to the AI. For example, "Tilt-shift effect, capturing a cat perched on a park bench," ensures the AI emphasizes the desired effect.

Inject plausible details: It’s essential to blend creativity with practicality in your prompts. Overcomplicating the instructions might hinder the AI’s ability to produce a coherent image. Strive for a prompt that is imaginative yet feasible for the AI to interpret and execute.

Segment concepts with punctuation for complex prompts: If your prompt is becoming lengthy with numerous details, employ punctuation like commas to delineate the various aspects. For example, refine "A watercolor of an elegant cat dozing on a lush, green park bench under a willow tree" to "A watercolor of an elegant cat, dozing, on a lush green park bench, under a willow tree." This helps the AI differentiate and process each component distinctly.

Experiment with influential terms: Seek out and test 'magic words' that have been known to influence the art style or theme in profound ways. A notable term like "Artstation" might add a professional, polished aesthetic to your creation. Be adventurous with different phrases to see their effect on your artistic outcomes.

Craft Your Next Masterpiece Using the Power of Leonardo AI

Embrace the power of AI and start creating with Leonardo today. Discover a world where creativity knows no bounds, and where your vision can become a stunning reality with just a few clicks. Join the Leonardo AI revolution and transform the way you create!

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