Leonardo AI Canvas 2.0 Editor: Unleashing Creativity with Advanced AI Tools

The Leonardo AI Canvas 2.0 Editor is a revolutionary tool that empowers users to create, edit, and refine images with the power of cutting-edge AI technology. This tool offers a comprehensive suite of features that enable intricate adjustments, removal of unwanted elements, and the generation of new content using advanced inpainting and outpainting techniques. In this page, we'll explore the myriad features of the Leonardo AI Canvas Editor, providing a detailed guide to help you make the most of this powerful tool.

Canvas V2 empowers you to refine your images with precision, excise any undesired features, and creatively expand your visuals with cutting-edge in-painting and out-painting tools.

Introduction to Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Leonardo AI Canvas Editor is designed for both novice and experienced users, providing a seamless interface to harness the power of AI in image editing. Whether you are a professional designer, an artist, or someone who enjoys tinkering with images, this tool offers a plethora of options to enhance your creative workflow.

Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Getting Started with the Canvas Editor

Uploading an Image

Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Image credit: leonardo.ai

To begin using the canvas editor, the first step is to upload an image. This can be done by clicking on the 'Upload Image' button. Once you select and upload your image, it will appear on the canvas, ready for editing. This initial step is straightforward and sets the foundation for further enhancements.

Selecting & Moving Elements

Once an image is uploaded, the next step involves selecting and moving elements around the canvas. This includes the generation frame and any new images generated. By clicking on the 'Select' button, you can then click on any element to move it. Dragging and dropping the element to the desired location allows for easy adjustments and repositioning. Placing the generation frame over the area you’d like to edit, and ensuring it overlaps with the existing image, ensures a seamless transition to the new frame.

Navigating the Canvas

Panning & Moving Around

The 'Pan' tool is essential for navigating different parts of the image. By clicking on the 'Pan' button, you can move around the canvas, enabling you to focus on specific areas. Clicking and dragging on the canvas while this tool is active allows for easy maneuvering and examination of different image sections.


Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Zooming in and out is crucial for detailed editing. The 'Zoom' buttons facilitate this, with the '+' button for zooming in and the '-' button for zooming out. Additionally, using the scroll function on your mouse or trackpad provides quick zoom adjustments, allowing you to focus on finer details or get a broader view of the image.

Editing Tools and Techniques

Drawing a Mask

One of the standout features of the Leonardo AI Canvas Editor is the ability to draw masks. By clicking on the 'Draw Mask' button on the toolbar, you can paint a mask over areas of the image you wish to change or refine. After masking an area, entering a prompt such as "person wearing sunglasses" allows the AI to regenerate that specific area. This technique ensures that only the masked area is altered, retaining the original image's color, subject, and style.


Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Image credit: leonardo.ai

The 'Erase' button on the toolbar is perfect for removing parts of an image. After erasing an area, you can enter a prompt to regenerate the erased section. This feature is particularly useful for eliminating unwanted elements, ensuring a clean and polished final image. When the changes needed are heavily influenced by the underlying image, erasing proves to be more effective than masking.

Prompting & Generating

Generating new content is made easy with the 'Prompt' text field. By entering a detailed and specific prompt, and clicking the 'Generate' button, you can create new image content. Tips for entering a good prompt include being specific, using complete sentences, and describing all elements to be included in the generated frame. The 'Negative Prompt' button is also available to guide the AI on what elements to avoid generating.

Controlling Parameters

The 'Control Panel' on the right-hand side of the canvas offers a range of adjustable settings and parameters for image generation. These include selecting the model, choosing the number of images, adjusting image dimensions, guidance scale, step count, and toggling the tiling option. Each setting significantly influences the generated image's outcome, and detailed explanations are available in the FAQ and Guides page.

Finalizing Your Artwork

Saving & Downloading Artwork

After achieving the desired image, saving it to your computer is straightforward. Clicking on the 'Download Artwork' button on the toolbar allows you to save your creation, making it easy to share or incorporate into other projects.

Undo & Redo

Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Mistakes happen, and the Leonardo.Ai Canvas Editor offers 'Undo' and 'Redo' buttons to correct them. Located at the bottom-left of the canvas, these buttons provide a quick way to revert to previous states or redo actions, ensuring a smooth and flexible editing process.

Advanced Features and Use Cases

Inpainting and Outpainting

Inpainting involves filling in missing parts of an image or removing elements and seamlessly blending new content. Outpainting extends the boundaries of an image, creating new content that aligns with the existing elements. These techniques are powerful for creating expansive artworks, repairing damaged images, or adding new features to existing pictures.

AI-Driven Enhancements

The AI capabilities of the canvas editor are not limited to basic editing. Advanced algorithms analyze the context of the image to provide suggestions and automatic adjustments, enhancing the overall quality and coherence of the artwork. This includes color correction, style matching, and content-aware fills.

Integration with Other Tools

Leonardo AI Canvas Editor integrates smoothly with other design and editing tools, allowing for a cohesive workflow. Exporting images to other software for additional editing or incorporating elements from different tools into the canvas editor is seamless, ensuring flexibility and efficiency in your creative projects.

Tips for Maximizing the Canvas Editor

Detailed Prompting

Providing detailed and specific prompts ensures the AI generates content that closely matches your vision. Describing the desired elements, their arrangement, and any specific attributes helps the AI understand and create more accurate results.

Leonardo AI Canvas Editor

Image credit: leonardo.ai


Experimenting with different settings and parameters can yield unique and unexpected results. Trying out various models, adjusting the guidance scale, and playing with the step count can lead to new creative possibilities and discoveries.

Learning Resources

Leonardo AI offers extensive learning resources, including FAQs, guides, and tutorials. Taking advantage of these resources helps users understand the full potential of the canvas editor and master its features.

Exploring the Latest Enhancements and Additions Now Available for Your Creative Toolkit

Here's a rundown of the latest enhancements and additions now at your disposal:

  1. Introducing Three Innovative Modes: Text2Img, Img2Img, and Sketch2Img
  2. Significant Upgrades to Inpainting and Outpainting Features
  3. Advanced Detail-Oriented Drawing Instruments
  4. Streamlined Editing with New Keyboard Shortcuts
  5. Improved Visibility with Semi-Transparent Masking
  6. Accessible Floating Toolbar for Simplified Workflow
  7. Enhanced Alchemy Integration for Text2Img and Img2Img

Canvas Modes

Accessing the new Canvas modes like Text2Img, Img2Img, and Sketch2Img is straightforward, offering you a versatile range of options for creation and editing within Canvas.


Unleash your imagination with the Text2Img function, which lets you generate images directly onto your canvas using textual prompts. This tool is excellent for comparing and combining different visual styles or creating fresh content without the hassle of uploading pre-existing images.


Transform your images with the innovative Img2Img capability, which lets you infuse a new style into an existing image while maintaining its core attributes. This versatile tool is perfect for subtle edits or complete overhauls of your image's aesthetic.


Sketch2Img empowers you to turn rough sketches into fully realized images with precision. This feature bridges the gap between your ideas and their visual representation, offering you the power to dictate exactly how each element of your image materializes.

images generated by Leonardo AI

Image credit: leonardo.ai


Take charge of creative edits with Inpaint/Outpaint. Whether you're looking to add fine details or completely alter the context of a scene, this function offers unparalleled flexibility to modify your images down to the smallest gemstone or as grand as the entire horizon.

This sophisticated tool enables you to extend the boundaries of the initial image or delicately adjust substantial components within, all while maintaining the essence and setting of the original piece. It's an ideal choice for those looking to play with different renditions of particular segments or to seamlessly enlarge the image's scope.

Support for all Finetuned Models

Moreover, the latest update grants you the flexibility to utilize all preferred platform models, including your personalized ones, directly within the canvas. This integration ensures that you can engage in text-to-image, image-to-image, as well as inpainting and outpainting activities, with the confidence that the model you employ aligns with your unique artistic vision.

images generated by Leonardo AI

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Alchemy support for Text2img + Img2img modes

Canvas V2 seamlessly integrates comprehensive support for the high-quality Alchemy pipeline and all Prompt Magic functionalities, guaranteeing that the style and quality of your initial creation are consistently maintained throughout the post-production capabilities of the editing toolkit.

Leonardo AI Alchemy support for Text2img

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Enhanced UI & Keyboard Shortcuts

Canvas V2 streamlines the editing experience with an improved user interface and convenient shortcuts, designed to expedite your creative process. It boasts a floating toolbar for immediate tool access and comprehensive color selections with hexadecimal RGB codes for sketches, granting you extensive control over the creative output. Enhanced UI (complete color selection, featuring hexadecimal RGB color customization)

Leonardo AI Alchemy support for Text2img

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Enhanced with new keyboard shortcuts for both PC and Mac, Canvas V2 ensures a more fluid and dynamic editing workflow.

Leonardo AI Alchemy support for Text2img

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Now that you're acquainted with the impressive capabilities of Canvas V2, it's time to explore its functionality. Let’s delve into how to make the most of these new features.

Craft Your Next Masterpiece Using the Power of Leonardo AI

Embrace the power of AI and start creating with Leonardo today. Discover a world where creativity knows no bounds, and where your vision can become a stunning reality with just a few clicks. Join the Leonardo AI revolution and transform the way you create!

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