Leonardo AI Character Reference and Image Gen V2

In the dynamic world of digital art, creating consistent characters across different poses, styles, and outfits is often a formidable challenge. Whether for film, graphic novels, fashion design, marketing, or gaming, ensuring that a character maintains a consistent appearance is crucial for narrative cohesion and audience engagement. Leonardo AI’s new Character Reference feature addresses this challenge head-on, providing a powerful tool that allows creators to generate consistent characters using a single reference image. This page explores the transformative potential of Leonardo AI's Character Reference, its applications across various industries, and the enhanced capabilities brought by the new Image Gen V2 interface.

Face the Future: Introducing Character Reference

The Challenge of Consistency in Character Creation

Creating consistent characters is essential for several reasons:

  1. Reader/Viewer Connection: Consistent characters enhance audience immersion by providing a stable visual and personality reference.
  2. World Building: Consistent characters contribute to a believable world, reinforcing the story's internal logic.
  3. Memorable Characters: Characters with distinct and consistent appearances are more likely to leave a lasting impression on the audience.
Leonardo AI Character Reference and Image Gen V2

Image credit: leonardo.ai

How Character Reference Works

Leonardo AI's Character Reference feature allows users to upload a character reference image and generate that character consistently across different poses, compositions, and styles. This feature ensures that the character's face remains consistently represented, making it ideal for various creative applications.

Applications of Character Reference

Film & Storytelling

In film and graphic novels, character consistency is vital for maintaining narrative continuity. Leonardo AI's Character Reference enables filmmakers and authors to produce characters that remain visually consistent throughout their projects, enhancing storytelling and audience engagement.

Fashion Design

Fashion designers can use Character Reference to apply different outfits and styles to the same model. This capability allows designers to visualize how various designs look on a consistent character, aiding in the creation of cohesive fashion collections and marketing materials.


Marketing campaigns often require localized advertising featuring the same model in different settings and styles. Character Reference facilitates the creation of diverse advertisements while maintaining a consistent visual identity, strengthening brand recognition.

Gaming Assets

Game developers can design consistent characters across different environments, ensuring that characters retain their identity while adapting to various game settings. This consistency improves character development and player immersion.

Benefits of Character Reference

  1. Efficiency: Quickly generate consistent character images without the need for repetitive manual adjustments.
  2. Flexibility: Apply different styles, poses, and compositions while maintaining character consistency.
  3. Quality: Ensure high-quality, cohesive visual representation across various media formats.

Image Generation Simplified: Meet Image Gen V2

Leonardo AI Character Reference and Image Gen V2

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Alongside the Character Reference feature, Leonardo AI has launched Image Gen V2, a new interface designed to make image generation simpler and more intuitive. This upgrade includes several key features aimed at enhancing the creative process.

Key Features of Image Gen V2


Presets in Image Gen V2 combine models, styles, elements, and other inputs to achieve specific aesthetics effortlessly. This feature allows users to quickly apply complex settings and achieve desired results with minimal effort. An upcoming update will enable users to create and save their own presets, further customizing their creative workflows.

Simplified Settings

The new interface allows users to choose their desired aspect ratio, and the system automatically optimizes the resolution based on the selected model. This streamlines the image generation process, making it more efficient and accessible.

Easy Image Guidance Options

Image Gen V2 offers easy-to-use image guidance options, including Style Reference, Content Reference, and Character Reference, all selectable from the prompt bar. This feature enhances control over the final output, ensuring it aligns with the user's vision.

Fast vs. Quality Modes

Users can toggle between Fast and Quality modes to balance speed and quality according to their needs. The Fast mode is ideal for quick drafts and inspiration, while the Quality mode (formerly Alchemy) is perfect for producing highly detailed and refined images.

Additional Improvements

Leonardo AI continues to roll out improvements, including:

  1. Pricing Adjustments: Keeping token usage consistent in V2.
  2. Remix Images: Offering greater creative flexibility.
  3. Multi-Style Reference Support: Enabling the combination of different styles in a single image.
  4. Legacy Mode Toggle: Allowing users to revert to the previous interface if preferred.

Creating Consistent Characters with Leonardo AI: A Comprehensive Guide

Maintaining uniform AI-generated character designs is crucial for various creative projects, from book series covers to concept art. However, achieving consistency can be challenging, especially with illustrative styles. To simplify the process, Leonardo AI offers two effective methods for creating consistent characters: without model training and with model training. This guide will walk you through both methods, ensuring your characters remain consistent and visually appealing throughout your projects.

Method 1: Creating Consistent Characters Without Model Training

Step 1: Start with a Precise Initial Prompt

To begin, create a detailed initial prompt that elaborates on your character's primary attributes and establishes a base context. This initial prompt serves as a blueprint for your character's look and initial surroundings.

Example Prompt:

"An illustration of Jason Segen, a male teenage character with short black hair, expressive eyes, and large spectacles, wearing a baseball cap, standing on a city street."

This prompt provides a clear description of the character's appearance and context, laying the foundation for consistent character generation.

Step 2: Prompt Diversifications

Next, work on making your character appear in new settings and different poses while preserving their identity. It’s crucial to maintain the character's predefined look and traits by consistently using the same name and visual description.

Example Diversified Prompt:

"An illustration of Jason Segen, a male teenage character with short black hair, expressive eyes, and large spectacles, wearing a baseball cap, playing with a friendly cat in a field."

If using a fixed seed, vary the wording of your prompt to avoid generating identical images repeatedly. Ensure that these variations do not alter your character description blueprint.

If you need a higher level of consistency, consider Method 2, which involves training a custom model.

Method 2: Creating Consistent Characters by Training a Custom Model

This method requires more time and effort, as well as a set of source images, but it can yield extremely effective and consistent results. Here are the specific steps necessary to achieve a consistent character through model training.

Step 1: Start Training

  1. Log in to Leonardo AI: Navigate to the 'Training and Datasets' section.
  2. Create a New Dataset: Select 'New Dataset' and name it after the character you want to consistently generate (e.g., "Anna" or "John"). This helps the AI associate the name with the need for repeated generation.
  3. Provide a Description: Outline the use case for the dataset, such as “for character design portfolio” or “book covers for a book series.”

Step 2: Upload Reference Images

  1. Select Reference Images: Upload at least 10 reference images to generate your baseline character. For better results, upload 15 or more images.
  2. Ensure Legal Permissions: Use stock footage, drawings, or photographs, ensuring you have the legal permission to use these images.

Step 3: Train Your Model

  1. Initiate Training: After uploading the selected images, click 'Train Model' to begin the training process.
  2. Monitor Progress: Verify the dataset's completion under 'Finetuned Models' > 'Your Models' or in the 'Job Status' section of ‘Training & Datasets.’ The trained model will be listed with the name provided earlier (e.g., "Anna" or "John").

Step 4: Generate Images

  1. Select the Trained Model: Go to 'Image AI Generation' and select your newly created fine-tuned model.
  2. Generate Images: Use creative prompts that include the name of your dataset to direct the AI to utilize the trained model.
  3. Example Prompt: “John Smith, wearing a suit and carrying an umbrella, stands in the entrance to a tall office block.”

  4. Experiment with Prompts: If some images do not meet your expectations, experiment with the prompt structure and incorporate negative prompts to refine the results.

Step 5: Refine and Evaluate

  1. Review Generated Images: Assess the images for precision and consistency. Typically, in a generation of four images, 1-2 may closely match the desired output.
  2. Adjust Settings: Balance creativity with consistency by tweaking the settings. If you have access to premium services such as Alchemy, consider activating them to enhance image resolution and quality.
  3. Download and Improve: Download successful images and add them to your dataset to continually improve character coherence.

Final Tips for Successful Character Consistency

  1. Quality and Quantity of Reference Images: The quality and quantity of your reference images directly influence the model’s performance.
  2. Experimentation is Key: Continually experiment with prompts and settings to achieve the best outcomes.
  3. Efficiency Over Time: Once the model is sufficiently trained, producing a stylistically consistent character will become faster and more efficient.

Image Generation Simplified: Meet Image Gen V2

Leonardo AI has launched Image Gen V2, a new interface designed to make image generation simpler and more intuitive. This upgrade includes several key features:

Key Features of Image Gen V2

  1. Presets: Combine models, styles, elements, and other inputs to achieve specific aesthetics effortlessly. An upcoming update will allow users to create and save their own presets.
  2. Simplified Settings: Choose your aspect ratio, and the system automatically optimizes the resolution based on the selected model.
  3. Easy Image Guidance Options: Select Style Reference, Content Reference, and Character Reference easily from the prompt bar.
  4. Fast vs. Quality Modes: Toggle between Fast and Quality modes to balance speed and quality.

Additional Improvements

  1. Pricing Adjustments: Keep token usage consistent in V2.
  2. Remix Images:Offer greater creative flexibility.
  3. Multi-Style Reference Support: Combine different styles in a single image.
  4. Legacy Mode Toggle: Revert to the previous interface if preferred.

Character Reference

This guide explains how to implement Character Reference functionality in the Web UI via API. Below is a parameter breakdown:

  1. initImageType: Specify either GENERATED for Leonardo.AI-generated images or UPLOADED if you upload your own image.
  2. weight: A numeric value between 0-2.
  3. strengthType: A string value from Low to Max, categorized as follows:
Leonardo AI Character Reference API

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Note: Character Reference is not intended as a face swap feature and does not guarantee a perfect replica of a person in the output.

Leonardo AI Character Reference API

Image credit: leonardo.ai

Case Studies: Transforming Creativity with Character Reference

Film Production: Enhancing Visual Storytelling

A film production team used Character Reference to maintain character consistency across multiple scenes. By generating consistent character visuals, they achieved a cohesive narrative that enhanced the audience's engagement and immersion.

Fashion Design: Streamlining Collection Creation

A fashion designer employed Character Reference to visualize a new clothing line on a consistent model. This enabled them to create a unified collection and marketing materials that resonated with their brand identity.

Gaming: Consistent Character Design

A game development studio utilized Character Reference to design characters that remained recognizable across various game environments. This consistency improved character development and player connection.

The Future of Character Reference and Image Gen V2

Leonardo AI is committed to continuous improvement and innovation. Future updates may include:

  1. Enhanced AI Algorithms: For even more accurate character representation.
  2. Expanded Library of Presets and Styles: Offering more creative options.
  3. Advanced Customization Options: For Character Reference.

Craft Your Next Masterpiece Using the Power of Leonardo AI

Embrace the power of AI and start creating with Leonardo today. Discover a world where creativity knows no bounds, and where your vision can become a stunning reality with just a few clicks. Join the Leonardo AI revolution and transform the way you create!

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